Monday, September 25, 2006

Rubin Cater's life certainly has taken many turns. He's had to fight--in war, in boxing rings, in jail, out of jail and now on the internet. He spent years in jail, was convicted of murder only to have the verdict overturned. He's tried to tell his story and has--but for what purpose?

I've seen the movie that we're gonna watch and read a little about Mr. Carter. Until this week, I've never read anything refuting Cater's case--my introduction to him was the movie in which he was very involved. I took the movie at face value and had few questions. One of the sites puts his life into perspective: either an innocent man spent over twenty years in jail, or our legal system has allowed a murderer to go free twice. I wonder what to believe. Some of this feels like internet conspiracy, and it certainly caught me off guard. I need to look into it a little more but suppose this is just another thing to put in the ever growing "I guess we'll never know" file.

Check out Wikipedia first and then go through the sites I've put on the side.
Read about him, his life and the case. You can post comments on this site.

After you see what I've done, start looking (googling) for your athlete. Start a blog about him/her and model it after mine. Give us links to go to--you can put them on the side or in your blog. Write your thoughts on your athlete; synthesize your findings; inform us and make us think.

Once we all do a little researching, we can see who interests us for our research paper--yippee.


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